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Clinton Praises Kaines Steady And Boring Demeanor

Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine selected by Clinton as VP pick

Clinton praises Kaine's "steady" and "boring" demeanor

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has chosen Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate, citing his experience and calm demeanor as key factors in her decision.

Kaine, a former governor of Virginia, has a long history of public service and is considered to be a moderate Democrat. He is also known for his calm and steady demeanor, which Clinton has praised as a valuable asset in a running mate.

"I think it's important to have a steady hand on the tiller, especially in these turbulent times," Clinton said in a statement announcing her decision. "Tim Kaine is that steady hand. He's a man of character, experience, and judgment. He's also a good friend, and I'm proud to have him on our team."

Kaine's selection is seen as a move to appeal to moderate voters, particularly those who may be hesitant to support Clinton. Kaine is also seen as a strong campaigner, and his addition to the ticket is expected to help Clinton in swing states.

Kaine has embraced his label as "boring," saying that he is more interested in getting things done than in making headlines.

"I'm not the most exciting guy in the world," Kaine said in an interview with the Washington Post. "But I'm a hard worker, and I'm committed to getting things done for the people of Virginia. That's what I'm going to do for the people of this country as vice president."
