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Female Engineers And Engineering Students

WEB Quotes for Women in STEM

Female Engineers and Engineering Students

August 29, 2020

Find inspiration and motivation with these remarkable quotes specifically gathered for female engineers and engineering students:

  • “Women should be involved in shaping the future of technology.” - Tim Berners-Lee
  • “Engineering is not just about math and science; it's about creativity and solving problems.” - Maria Klawe
  • “Don't let anyone tell you that you're not capable of doing something because you're a woman.” - Sally Ride
  • “Be confident in your abilities and never give up on your dreams.” - Mae Jemison
  • “STEM careers offer endless opportunities for women to make a difference in the world.” - Sheryl Sandberg

These quotes serve as a reminder of the vital role that women play in the field of STEM. They inspire us to embrace our dreams and strive for success.
